3 Critical Tips For Renting A Scissor Lift

Scissor lifts are ubiquitous on construction sites, and these pieces of heavy equipment are among the most rented in the industry. Whether your company works on small or large sites, there's a good chance you've needed to rent scissor lifts for a wide range of projects. However, experience alone isn't always enough to get the best deal or make the best rental choice.

Although scissor lifts may seem like relatively straightforward machines, many considerations are necessary to choose the right one for your project. These three critical tips will help ensure that you get the best lift possible for your job site, project, and budget.

1. Diesel or Electric — Know Why It Matters

There are plenty of reasons to go green on your construction site, and electric lifts are an excellent way to reduce the overall carbon footprint of your project. However, electric lifts aren't always appropriate for every use case. Likewise, many contractors may prefer diesel lifts due to familiarity, but the drawbacks of diesel can often make electric drive lifts a better choice.

So, which is right for your project? A good rule of thumb is to stick with electric equipment when operating indoors and diesel equipment when operating outdoors. Of course, electric lifts are still well-suited for certain outdoor environments, including those where you don't need the extra height or capacity of a diesel lift.

2. Terrain Considerations

Regarding terrain capabilities, a scissor lift generally requires the same considerations as any other vehicle: power and driven wheels. A two-wheel drive (2WD or 4x2) scissor lift has only two driven wheels and will generally be less capable in rugged, uneven, or wet terrain than a four-wheel drive (4WD or 4x4) model. 2WD options are typically better suited to indoor environments or paved surfaces.

Note that it's a common misconception that electric units are not suitable for more rugged terrain. Although diesel lifts often offer more power, 4WD electric lifts are widely available. If you need to operate on rough terrain and don't require the other characteristics of a diesel unit, it may be worth considering an electric 4WD lift.

3. Safety Issues

Dealing with rough terrain is more than just having the power to overcome obstacles or muddy surfaces. Uneven ground can lead to numerous hazards, especially when operating with heavy loads or tall heights on broken or sloped surfaces. You may need additional equipment if these conditions are present on your work site.

Lifts designed for operating in these environments typically include equipment such as outriggers, fall arrest systems, and more. If in doubt, your equipment rental company should be able to recommend a lift that can help you get your job done effectively while ensuring your workers remain safe even in difficult operating conditions.

For more information, contact a local company, like Duke Rentals.
